Design and Build Basis for Sewage Collection Network, Sewage Pumping Stations and Wastewater
Treatment Plant (1694 m3/day) and Allied Works in Gdh. Thinadhoo Island, Maldives.
Design and construction of Sewerage Treatment plant of capacity 1,694 m3/day including Sewerage Pumping Station (11nos.) and Administration building.
Construction of sludge sump tank, chlorination tank and clear water tank including RC foundation and walls formwork , reinforcement , concreting and waterproofing etc.,.
Construction of Treated Effluent Pumping Station.
Supply and laying DN150 uPVC pipe SN6 for gravity sewer mains – 18,157m
Supply and laying DN100 uPVC pipe SN4 for gravity sewer mains – 7,800 m
Supply and laying DN315 uPVC inspection chamber for house – Catch pit – 1,234nos
Supply and laying DN200 uPVC pipe for overflow line
Supply and laying O.D. 110mm,160mm,180mm HDPE pipe PE80 PN12.5
Providing of 1,800 house service connection.
Construction of 86nos of concrete sewerage manholes